Day 3: Empire State and Expo Setup

A zoomed out shot from the Empire. Looks like someone lost their water bottle!
Some more friendly pigeons. There were many pigeons resting at the observatory. It must be a refuge spot for them.
The tip of the Empire State Building, taken from the 86th floor.
Simon & Christine on top of the Empire State Building. Note: Christine looked a bit nervous because she was afraid that the man taking the photo was going to attempt to run off with the camera (he was moving farther..and farther..and farther away with it.) Simon figured the man was on top of the Empire State Building- where was he going to go?
A more zoomed in shot of the Chrysler Building, which is situated and reflecting sunlight in the middle of the photo.
Another shot of the top of the Empire.
Looking north toward Central Park. You might see a few bare trees if you look around the skyscrapers. It's probably much more noticeable in the summer when the trees/flowers are in bloom.
Another shot of the ground below.
Another shot of the ground...You can see a really nice shadow of the Empire in it, also!
Another shot looking south. The sky is so pretty in this shot.

Click here for more pictures from the Empire State Building!

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