A New Year, A New Start

FEBRUARY 2, 2010
I'm truly trying not to be one of the casualties in the blogging world. There are mess of blogs that I read regularly that the person posted and posted and posted so often, they blogburned out and left the world entirely. I really don't want to join the ranks, although I know that my level of posting is ridiculous. And I'm semi-shamed. But it's okay, because I'm sure nobody is left even out there to watch my shame.

It's a new year. New beginnings. And I miss writing. So here I am.

I can say that during the Bush years, I found all sorts of blog fodder in the crazy things he and his administration would say. But I don't think I want to be as political as I was in the past. People who want politics can go to Daily Kos or Wonkette. Although I still see a bunch of crazy, I don't think I really want to write about that.

In truth, I want to go back to writing as I did in the early days. No, the early early days. The days when nobody seemed to be listening. It was just my little jotting down of daily events or thoughts or even rants. A little politics, of course, but more just random thoughts. Write like nobody's listening. For a time there, I was watching the stats closely and loving all of the banter. But now? Eh, I just want to write. What to write about? Well I'll figure that out.

So let's see- what's new? Well I'm 32, safely into my 30s. Trying not to let the baby mania that has hit all my 30'something friends also suck me in. I travelled to Europe again. This time to the UK (we photographed a wedding, like, as in officially!) and then went for about a week to Paris, France. I absolutely loved Paris. Just gorgeous gorgeous. Granted it wasn't perfect. I had a few rude waiters. I failed speaking French fluently, or even semi-fluently. My right foot was killing me throughout all the trip, making me slow and in pain. But there is an air of enchantment in Paris. The beauty of the city lit up. The pleasure of eating high-quality food. The history and the culture. I was truly in love. I can't wait to go back, for at least two weeks. We rented a tiny apartment through VRBO that was perfect for us, just minutes from Notre Dame Cathedral. We loved it.

And now, the 2010 Olympics are upon us. The Olympics that I remember announcing a loooong time ago. Vancouver is about to have an influx of tourists. Some people are excited about it, some people are deadset against it. I can see both sides. But I'm going to try to make the best of it. And as a photographer, it gives me the inspiration to go out and photograph anything I can. And it doesn't hurt that we have a couple hockey tickets, also.

Well, this is a silly stupid first attempt into the blogging world again. But it's a start. Where do I go from here? Who knows ;) We'll figure that out...

filed in General | by Christine at 4:33 PM on 2010-02-02